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Drumkit Corner

Drumworkout is all about the hands for sure, but these lessons here will serve as a little bonus on the side. Please understand that we don’t have ambitions to make this an exhaustively thorough drumkit lesson site, but I feel that these will serve as icing on the cake. Please feel free to discuss these on the forum and of course let us know if there’s anything you’d like to see covered here. I hope they help you out!

Bass Drum Technique Lesson

Basic Foot Technique

Let’s take a look at the three most common approaches to bass drum technique and discuss the pros and cons of each to help you make the right choice for your practice at home.

Noodling Practice

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Simple Functional Fills

Simple Functional Fills

Fills that relate to the groove an allow you to continue the ostinato phrase will help enhance your musicality. Here are a few great tips to keep it your fills grooving.

Drumkit Setup and Ergonomics

The setup and ergonomics of your drumkit plays a huge role in allowing you to flow efficiently and musically around the drums with great flow and feel, but is something that is easy to get wrong with all the bits and pieces that going into your setup. Here are a few general rules that you can apply to any setup to help get everything dialled so you can worry less about the drums and focus on your playing.

Bass Drum Doubles

Foot Pedal Doubles

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